10-Second Coffee Trick to Kickstart Your Morning Right.

If you enjoy your coffee, your life is about to get a whole lot better. The newly discovered 10-second coffee trick naturally transforms your morning coffee into a fat-burning dream.  Plus, it makes everything you love about coffee so much better.  Here’s to kickstarting your morning off right. Try this 10 second morning coffee trick. Highest quality ingredients from the cleanest, most pure and lush…

The Right Kind of Fat for Keto: Butter or Ghee?

Butter or ghee? Since the ketogenic diet is 80% fat, attention and research shone a spotlight on even obscure sources, like ghee. While it was a staple in India and South Asia, it was fairly unknown in the West until recently. Now it’s a household name among the health-conscious. In Perfect Keto articles and recipes,…